BlueTiger is one of the innovative Learning & Development Organisations based out of Bangalore, India offering services in Leadership, Behavioural & Simulation based Experiential Learning training to leading organisations in the country. Further, we are helping Senior Leaders across the world to enhance their performance through Executive Coaching.
Our approach is to make the learning fairly simple, highly practical, easily implementable & equally effective. The learning programs are designed, developed & delivered to each client’s specific needs.
All our training are highly interactive, high on energy, concentrate on overall development of the individual aligned with the objective of the organization, fun-filled with an intent to make each individual to realize his/her real strength and inspire them to aspire for superior performance on their personal & professional world.
The content is customized to suit the industry, age group, the primary function of the participants, overall vision, mission & values of the organization and the training objectives. Games, activities, stories, real life examples, videos, audios, quizzes, riddles, along with unique home works/after training follow-up learning sessions makes BlueTiger training a tool for lifetime learning.
Life is Simple…Make it Awesome! Is the core philosophy we work with. We are committed to make our best efforts to contribute to our clients & customers developmental requirements.

Management Consulting
Engaging with companies to enable overall business and people growth
Executive Coaching
Enabling one's true potential to be explored, unleashed and create impact for oneself
Leadership Development
Enabling leadership and management skill, competency and holistic ability to add value and make a difference
Consulting Services – People & Process

Counselling Services – Business, Career, Marriage & Children

Assessment & Development Centres

Motivational Speaking

Training in Leadership & Behavioural Skills:
Flagship programs
For any learning & growing organization, continual skill development on Leadership & Behavioural skills is no longer an option. In this Uber fast changing times, people are the most critical assets and their growth is critical differentiator between who those thrive or survive or disappear.
Our core team has more than 100 man years of corporate experience in multiple countries, industries & domains. Collectively they have 50+ global certifications in various critical skills to deliver the world class learning at your door step.
We specialize in designing, developing & delivering custom made programs to address your specific needs. Our team has the expertise, experience and ability to deliver any program in your endeavour of developing people & leaders. Partial list of customised programs delivered is as follows:
Principles of Success based on Success Principles by Jack Canfield
Building Winning Teams
Leadership Skills
Attitude Determines Altitude
Business Communication Skills
Crucial/Difficult Conversations
Negotiation Skills: Bi-Party/Multi-Party
Business Ethics
What Got You Here Won’t Get You There for Senior & Top Management
Design Thinking/ System Thinking
Stress Management
Conflict Resolution
Time Management & Prioritization
Setting Meaningful Goals, Action Plans & Execution Skills
Decision Making Skills
Many More….
Personality Assessments
Know yourself better
Top 3 Assessments used
Myers Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI)
Social Skills
Life Orientation Instrument (LOI)
Simulation based training* -Business, Sales & Behavioural
Create real life environment to learn and apply
1. Cross Functional Decision Making
2. Sales for Distribution
3. Sales for Retail
4. Direct Sales
5. Data Analytics
Many more….
Full list of all programs offered
Principles of Success based on Success Principles by Jack Canfield: Jack Canfield’s “Success principles” is one of most sought after training programs in the world. This program helps the participants to learn the proven technique to move up from “Where You Are to Where You Want to Be”. The program can be customized from a short 1 day to multi-day program
Building Winning Teams: Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM) is the mantra in the ever demanding corporate world. How collaborating with each other than competing can benefit everyone
Leadership Skills: Introduction to Various facets of Leadership, different types of leadership styles, identifying yourself on what suits your personality & your profession the best
Attitude Determines Altitude: Attitude for a person is like the backbone for our body. How a person with right attitude is more liked, respected and achieve greater success & happiness in life
Business Communication: Communicating effectively in a professional environment. The participants would learn about the different aspects of Verbal & Non-Verbal communication
Crucial/Difficult Conversations: In the ever demanding corporate life, having difficult & critical decision makes a lot of difference to the individual & organization’s growth. Though, most people know the importance, seldom the executives do it on time, out of fear of consequences. This program helps you how to do it with win-win outcomes
Negotiation Skills: Negotiation is part & parcel of everyone in the personal & professional world. The participants would learn the best techniques for win-win negotiation under Two-Party & Multi-Party situations using case studies used by Harvard & Wharton
Business Ethics: In the age of cut-throat competition and urge to stay ahead, executives & organizations cross the crucial line of ethics. Looking for short term gains & missing the big picture makes the difference between successful and not so successful in the end game.
What Got You Here Won’t Get You There for Senior & Top Management: The course covers the finer aspects of “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” & helps the participants to evaluate the common mistakes the successful people like them around the world do, it’s impact on limiting their further growth & how can they correct their behaviours to achieve greater success.
Design Thinking/ System Thinking: Enable innovative and iterative process for designing process, systems and product using the design thinking frameworks. Systems thinking to enable holistic process for repeatable and reproducible results every time.
Stress Management: Understand the good & bad of stress and how to convert the negative effects of stress in to positive one for a happy & healthy living with ultimate success
Conflict Resolution: Everyone experience conflict with self and others. While conflict with self, causes stress, conflict with others spoil the relationships, harmony, peace of mind, productivity, performance and overall happiness. How to manage those work & life conflicts and convert those –ve elements in to positive ones for higher growth, ultimate success and harmonious living.
Time Management & Prioritization: Time is one of the most important ingredients of life, where everyone under the Sun has same quantity. What one would achieve in their life time depends on how well the time was used.
Setting Meaningful Goals, Action Plans & Execution Skills Knowing where you are going before you start is one of the oldest & proven methods that can be applied to all & in all walks of life. Developing effective Action Plans & execution of those are critical aspects covered
Decision Making Skills: Whatever one is today is because of the decisions made throughout his/her life. How some people (great leaders/successful people) make more right decision than others
Coaching & Feedback: Leadership development is all about developing people reporting to them. As long as your team consists of good people with great attitude, there is no fear of failure
Image Management: Image management plays a significant role in this fast paced world, where opinions & decisions are made quickly. How you are perceived makes a substantial impact on your success in the corporate world.
Communication challenges for Indian Leaders: Indian leaders at all levels face unique communication challenges compared to their counterparts in the developed countries.